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Corporate University Highlights at 31 December 2023

6.5 million


9 thousand


52 hours

of training per employee in 2023 at Group level

Knowledge is essential to the business of Gruppo Poste Italiane
The continuous renewal of knowledge governance strategies and actions, differentiated by objectives and time horizons, ensures the reinforcement and development of the professional and managerial skills in the different business lines.
The Corporate University provides the most effective training experiences for all Group personnel.

Design training experiences of value for all the personnel of Gruppo Poste Italiane
The daily challenge is to manage the complexity stemming from:
  • the demand for the updating of managerial, technical – specialist, operational and compliance skills
  • the development of roles and profiles (managers, specialists, operatives, high potential) from the governance of diverse and distinctive business contexts (retail and business sale networks, logistics, payment systems, specialist corporate areas)
  • the commitment to design formats/channels (classroom, on-line, operating) suited to the different business and personal needs.

Personalised training solutions and in line with the skills, role and individual learning needs
The training offer is addressed to all persons of the Poste Italiane Group. 
For each professional role, the training initiatives are “personalised”:
  • from the hiring, with induction programmes
  • during all phases of professional growth
  • for the front-end financial and insurance jobs, for Customer assistance and postal delivery jobs; for specialists in the staff and marketing areas, for ICT staff, managers and coordinators.
All the professionals that deal with banking, financial and insurance consultancy take dedicated training courses in line with sector regulations. The training system includes induction programmes and placement in the role and an annual update of the sector technical, regulatory and relational skills.
As required by current legislation, they take courses for certification and to keep on top of their role, with the strengthening of financial, regulatory and relationship knowledge, aimed at knowing how to manage the sales process starting from the customer's needs.

In the logistics-postal domain, training projects are mainly targeted at developing a new culture geared towards the optimisation of processes and the constant improvement at all levels, from postmen to managerial staff.

Innovative educational solutions and new learning environments
We embrace the opportunities offered by digital and technological evolution: open learning, adaptive learning, distance learning and the on-demand use of training content, in order to traverse the new frontiers of training innovation.
Managerial training supports managers with tackling the challenge of evolving their mindset, reinforcing their leadership skills and the ability to direct and lead.
Training quality is guaranteed by training professionals, tutors and colleagues who, in signing up to the Faculty project, offer their know-how and their expertise, dedicating themselves with passion to the development of knowledge. Training incorporates constant courses which continue over time, which recognise the characteristics and needs of the jobs and of people and are geared towards responsibility and individual motivation to enrich and share your know-how.

The Corporate University provides its knowledge and know-how with courses on digital , financial and postal  subjects that are also available to the public.
These courses are part of the attention that Poste Italiane has always paid to the needs of citizens, in line with its historic vocation as a socially responsible company that follows the international ESG principles promoted by the UN.

Focus area

Financial training

Customer Centricity