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About Us

The Group occupies a unique position in the country in terms of size, recognisability, reach and customer loyalty, making a major contribution to Italy’s economic, social and productive fabric.

Poste Italiane is Italy's largest service infrastructure and its services play an important role in society. We operate in three lines of business, in all of which we lead the market:
Post and parcel sector, a business that has benefited from the rise of e-commerce and the dynamic nature of the parcels market;
Financial Services, through BancoPosta;
Insurance, where we lead the life market in Italy, and asset management, an area in which we are expanding.

The Purpose of Poste Italiane: Grow responsibly thanks to the decisive contribution of its people to the sustainable success, innovation, digitisation and social cohesion of the country.

Listed on the Milan Stock Exchange since 2015, Poste Italiane’s free float accounts for approximately 35% of the shares in issue; around 65% of the shares are held by the Ministry of the Economy and Finance, with a 29.26% stake, and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, with a 35% interest.

Since May 2023, Silvia Maria Rovere is the Company’s Chairwoman. Since April 2017 Matteo Del Fante is Chief Executive Officer. Giuseppe Lasco was appointed General Manager in February 2024.
Poste Italiane constitutes the largest integrated, omnichannel service platform in Italy, covering sectors ranging from logistics, letter and parcel delivery, financial and insurance services, payment systems, telecommunications and energy.
Besidesw it is an integral part of the Country’s economic, social and production fabric and is a unique entity in Italy in terms of size, recognisability and widespread coverage. The Company’s activities therefore generate significant impacts throughout the territory, also with a view to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Poste Italiane - PST

Press Releases

Rome, 11 Jul 2024 12:50
EIB and Poste Italiane sign €450 million agreement to promote digitalisation, service automation, and energy efficiency

This financing will enable Poste Italiane to double its daily automated parcel-handling capacity by opening new sorting centres. This is the tenth agreement signed since the EIB began working with Poste Italiane around 25 years ago, with total lending to the company reaching almost €3.3 billion. (...)

Rome, 8 Jul 2024 20:01
Consob issuers regulation - Attachment 3F - June 2024

Detail (i) of treasury shares purchased in June 2024, following the resolution adopted by the Shareholders' Meeting on 31 May 2024, and (ii) of shares assigned in June 2024, in execution of equity-based incentive plans. (...)

Rome, 19 Jun 2024 18:08
Poste Italiane: the minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting held on 31 may 2024 have been published

The minutes of the Shareholders’ Meeting held on 31 may 2024 have been published. (...)

Rome, 10 Jun 2024 21:00
Poste Italiane: information on the purchase of own shares on 10 june 2024 and conclusion of the first tranche of the buy-back programme

In compliance with the authorization approved by Poste Italiane’s Shareholders’ Meeting held on 31 May 2024, regarding the purchase of own shares which has been announced to the market on 31 May 2024 (pursuant to Art.144-bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99) Poste Italiane S.p.A. (“Poste Italiane”) announces that on 10 June 2024, it bought 235,297 own shares at an average price of €12.722558 for a total amount of €2,993,579.73. (...)

Rome, 7 Jun 2024 20:05
Poste Italiane: information on the purchase of own shares in the period 3 june – 7 june 2024

In compliance with the authorization approved by Poste Italiane’s Shareholder Meeting held on 31 May 2024, regarding the purchase of own shares and announced to the market on 31 May 2024 (pursuant to Art.144-bis of Consob Regulation 11971/99) Poste Italiane S.p.A. announces that between 3 June 2024 and 7 June 2024, it bought 931,370 own shares at an average price of € 12.825105 for a total amount of € 11,944,918.45. (...)

Rome, 31 May 2024 18:07
Poste Italiane starts a share buyback programme

Poste Italiane S.p.A. (“Poste Italiane”), announces the launch today of a share buy-back programme which will take place, starting from June 3rd 2024, in accordance and within the authorization granted by Poste Italiane’s Shareholders’ Meeting resolution dated 31 May 2024 and publicly available. (...)

Rome, 31 May 2024 15:41
Poste Italiane: resolutions of the Shareholders’ Meeting 2024

Poste Italiane (“Poste Italiane”) S.p.A.’s Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, chaired by Silvia Maria Rovere, was held today in Rome. (...)

Rome, 15 May 2024 17:59
Poste Italiane: the Interim financial report at 31 march 2024 has been published

Poste Italiane S.p.A. informs that Interim financial report at 31 March 2023 is available to the public at the Company’s registered office and on the Company’s internet website (, as well as on the mechanism for the central storage “eMarket Storage”.

Rome, 15 May 2024 12:37
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti and Poste Italiane approve key terms of the new Postal Savings agreement

The new features of the partnership will allow to better address future strategic challenges. (...)

Climate Change Strategy

Managing climate-related risks and impacts.

Transparent Deal

Information on individual agreements stipulated by Poste Italiane.

Financial results

  • € 581 bn Total financial assets
  • € 12.0 bn Total revenue
  • € 2.62 bn Operating profit
  • € 1.9 bn Net profit
  • € 92 bn Direct funding at BancoPosta


  • 35 m customers
  • 6.3 m online visitors per day
  • 12 m e-wallets
  • 24 m people with a PosteID digital identity

Business results

  • 29.6 m payment cards
  • 22.1 m Postepay cards
  • 2.3 bn items of mail delivered
  • 256 m parcels delivered

Infrastructure and employees

  • 12,800 post offices
  • 119,300 employees

Data as of December 31, 2023

Financial calendar

29 Jul 2024

Approval of the half-year financial report as at 30 June 2024

30 Jul 2024

Q2 & H1-24 Group Results presentation

6 Nov 2024

Approval of the interim report on operations as at 30 September 2024

7 Nov 2024

Q3 & 9M-24 Group Results presentation


Sustainable Finance

Partnerships on renewables
