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As of 31 December 2023, financial debt of the Group towards third parties amounts to €1,948 million (nominal value), entirely issued by Poste Italiane SpA, consisting of:
  • a senior unsecured bond with a total notional amount of one billion euro, issued in two tranches on 20 December 2020 and placed in public form to institutional investors. The first tranche of €500 million expires on 10 December 2024, issue price above par of 100.10, annual fixed coupon of 0.00% and effective yield to maturity of -0.025%; the second tranche of €500 million expires on 10 December 2028, issue price below par of 99.758, annual fixed coupon of 0.50% and effective yield to maturity of 0.531%;
  • four loans granted by the EIB - European Investment Bank, aimed at financing some investment projects, totaling €823 million (€573 million maturity in 2026 and €250 million maturity in 2028);
  • a loan of €125 million granted by the CEB - Council of Europe Development Bank, under a medium-/long-term credit facility of €250 million, focused to support projects and investments with the aims of social integration, support for public infrastructure and sustainability. A first tranche of the loan, bearing floating rate interests, has been provided on the 28th of December 2023, expiring on the 28th of December 2030 and repayment in constant principal instalments, after a three-year grace period. On the 25th of January 2024, a second tranche amounting to € 125million and bearing floating rate interests has been provided, expiring on the 25th of January 2031 and repayment in constant principal instalments, after a three-year grace period.
On the same date, the Strategic Business Unit Mail, Parcels and Distribution has Liquidity in bank and postal current accounts of €650 million. Such amount represents the Group's free liquidity generated by the company's self-financing capability, partly attributable to Poste SpA and partly deriving from the centralization of the Group liquidity and from the related cash pooling activity by the parent company.

Furthermore, as of 31 December2023 Poste Italiane SpA has about €3.4 billion of undrawn committed and uncommitted credit lines of which Revolving Credit Facilities committed of €2,450 billion.

Financial debt does not include a perpetual subordinated 8-year non-call hybrid securities issue, with a nominal value of €800 million, issued on June 24, 2021 and placed in public form to institutional investors, as such hybrid bond is accounted for in equity. The securities, which have no fixed maturity, become due and payable only in the event of winding-up or liquidation of the Company, as specified in the terms and conditions, save for optional redemption (call), where applicable. The "First Call Date" is March 24, 2029. The annual fixed coupon is 2.625% until the first Reset Date of 24 June 2029. As from such date, interest per annum is determined according to the relevant 5-year Euro Mid Swap rate, plus an initial spread of 267.7 basis points, increased by an additional 25 basis points as from 24 June 2034 and a subsequent increase of additional 75 basis points as from 24 June 2049. The fixed coupon is payable annually in arrears, starting from 24 June 2022. The issue price has been set at 100% and the effective yield to the first "Reset Date" is equal to 2.625% per annum.
GROUP FINANCIAL DEBT AT 31/12/2023 (€/m)

Group Financial Debt

Note: all amounts are expressed at nominal value and exclude leases deriving from the application of IFRS 16, funding from current account deposits of BancoPosta, repurchase agreements, derivative financial instruments and other financial liabilities mainly referring to BancoPosta RFC. Financial debt does not include the Perp NC8 2.625% hybrid bond of €800 million issued on June 24, 2021, as it is accounted for in equity.

debt outstanding
As of 31 December 2023, the interest rate mix of the Group financial debt is 93.6% fixed rate and 6.4% floating rate.

fix float


Note All amounts are expressed at nominal value and exclude leases deriving from the application of IFRS 16, funding from current account deposits of BancoPosta, repurchase agreements, derivative financial instruments and other financial liabilities mainly referring to BancoPosta RFC. Financial debt does not include the Perp NC8 2.625% hybrid bond of €800 million issued on June 24, 2021, as it is accounted for in equity.

Issuer Poste Italiane SpA Poste Italiane SpA Poste Italiane SpA
ISIN XS2270395408 XS2270397016 XS2353073161
Seniority Senior Senior Subordinated
Currency EUR EUR EUR
Amount 500,000,000 500,000,000 800,000,000
Issue Date 10/12/2020 10/12/2020 24/06/2021
Expiry Date 10/12/2024 10/12/2028 Perp NC8
Issue Price 100.10% 99.758% 100.00%
Coupon 0.00% 0.50% 2.625% until 24/06/2029
Frequency Annually Annually Annually
Type of Issue Public Issue Public Issue Public Issue
Accounting Debt Debt Equity
First Call Date     24/03/2029
€/m (Nominal Value) 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Use of uncommitted credit lines - - - 250 550 - -
Medium and long-term loans - - - 250 - - -
Private Placement 50 50 50 50 50 50 -
EIB loans 400 200 573 573 723 823 823
CEB loans - - - - - - 125
Poste Italiane Bond 750 - - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Poste Vita Bond 750 750 - - - - -
GROSS FINANCIAL DEBT TOWARDS THIRD PARTIES 1,950 1,000 623 2,123 2,323 1,873 1,948
EQUITY 7,550 8,105 9,698 11,507 12,110 8,937 10,439
EBITDA 1,668 2,068 2,548 2,224 2,636 3,121 3,431
DEBT/EQUITY 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
DEBT/(DEBT + EQUITY) 21% 11% 6% 16% 16% 17% 16%
DEBT/EBITDA  1.2x 0.5x 0.2x 1.0x 0.9x 0.6x 0.6x
Mail, Parcels and Distribution's cash and cash equivalents 1,997 973 851 2,254 2,121 575 650

1) The Hybrid Bond PERP NC8 2,625% €800 million issued on June 24, 2021, is included in the Equity amount. All amounts are expressed at nominal value and exclude leases deriving from the application of IFRS 16, funding from current account deposits of BancoPosta, repurchase agreements, derivative financial instruments and other financial liabilities mainly referring to BancoPosta Ring-Fenced Capital.
2) FY2021 and FY 2022 don't include IFRS17 adjustments

Poste Italiane SpA has an EMTN Programme listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange for a total amount of €2.5 billion. The Base Prospectus has been updated on 6 December 2023 and on that date the amount of the bonds outstanding was €1,000 million, referred to a bond of €1 billion, issued in two tranches of €500 million each on 10 December 2020.
On June 24, 2021, a perpetual subordinated 8-year non-call hybrid bond has been issued, with a nominal value of €800 million, placed in public form to institutional investors and accounted for in equity.


Standard & Poor's
Poste Italiane S.p.A. BBB Stab A-2
Rating assigned by Rating Letter dated 18/06/2021 to Corporate Hybrid PerpNC8 2.625% Bond is BB+

Last Rating Action: 26/07/2024

Poste Italiane S.p.A. Baa3 Stab P-3 
Rating assigned by Rating Letter dated 18/06/2021 to Corporate Hybrid PerpNC8 2.625% Bond is Ba2

Last Rating Action: 21-11-2023

Poste Italiane S.p.A. BBB+ Stab S-2
Rating assigned on 01/12/2023 to Corporate Hybrid 2,625% NC8 is BBB-

Last Rating Action: 01-12-2023

(*) Ratings solicited

Rating/outlook history

Poste Italiane S.p.A.

Standard & Poor's
Date Action
BBB / Stab / A-2 28/07/2022 Outlook Change
BBB / Pos / A-2 27/10/2021 Outlook Change
BBB / Stab / A-2 26/10/2020 Outlook Change
BBB / Neg / A-2 30/10/2018 Outlook Change
BBB / Stab / A-2 31/10/2017 Upgrade
BBB- / Stab / A-3 12/12/2014 Downgrade
BBB / Neg / A-2 16/07/2013 Downgrade
Rating Date Action
Baa3/ Stab / P-3 21/11/2023 Outlook Change
Baa3/ Neg / P-3 09/08/2022 Outlook Change
Baa3/ Stab / P-3 23/10/2018 Downgrade
Baa2, Possible Downgrade /
Ratings under Review / P-2,
Possible Downgrade
30/05/2018 On watch - Possible Downgarde
Baa2 / Neg / P-2 12/12/2016 Outlook Change
Baa2 / Stab / P-2 18/02/2014 Outlook Change
Baa2 / Neg / P-2 16/07/2012 Downgrade
A3 / Neg 16/02/2012 Downgrade
Scope Ratings
Rating Date Action
BBB+ / Stab / S-2 01/12/2023 Rating Issue

Last Rating Actions and P.I. Analysis

Agency Long term Short term Outlook Rating action / Affirmation Credit Opinion Report
Standard & Poor's BBB A-2 Stable 27/06/2024 27/06/2024
Moody's Baa3 P-3 Stable 21/11/2023 23/11/2023
Scope Ratings BBB+ S2 Stable 01/12/2023 01/12/2023


Rating Corporate Hybrid PerpNC8 2,625%

Hybrid Bond
Rating Letter
Standard & Poor's BB+ 18/06/2021
Moody's Ba2 18/06/2021
Scope Ratings BBB- 01/12/2023