"We are made of people" is not a slogan, but the reality of Poste Italiane. With 120,000 employees, attention to people can only be a priority.
Our people have the opportunity to gain new experiences by acquiring transversal skills that they can put to use for future challenges, also thanks to our capillarity in the territory and our diversified businesses.
We offer professional development paths that take into account the talents, expertise and achievements of each individual, providing the opportunity to diversify their career path.

We are committed to creating programmes designed to enhance the best young performers with high potential and high motivation, who will be placed on functional growth paths towards managerial roles. We also provide innovative tools and dedicated platforms for building your own personal development plan, customised to your individual needs.

We invest in the development and growth of the managerial skills of our professionals who have gained diversified experience through customised career paths, also aimed at achieving roles of greater organisational responsibility.

We support people on their career path by developing and expanding skills in relation to the needs of the company and new businesses, developing the necessary skills so that people can reach their full potential, taking into account that each person is responsible for their own growth and can become a generator of value, as we also favour a self-development-oriented approach.
Insourcing and re-employment
The programme, designed to train and provide new skills with a view to professional growth and flexibility, was also dedicated to the re-employment of “workers in a condition of fragility” within the meaning of current legal provisions who, unable to work on company premises in relation to health emergencies, found different employment to protect health and safety in the workplace.
The re-employment of internal staff allows for the in-house management of previously outsourced activities, with benefits both in terms of maximising productivity and saving on the income statement, which in 2023, stood at €36.8 million, enabling the reduction of the recourse to external supplies.
During 2023, 2,500 people were interviewed, of whom 1,684 (equal to 1,561 FTE) were redeployed within the targeted functions/areas of re-employment through reskilling and training aimed at enrichment and acquisition of new knowledge.
The programme was very successful among the employees.