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Poste Air Cargo received CEIV Pharma certification for excellence in the transportation of pharmaceutical products

99% of the Group’s electricity comes from 100% renewable sources certified by Guarantees of Origin

-10% of the Group’s emissions due to energy efficiency in buildings

€23.9 million invested in projects to reduce emissions

44.4% of the fleet consisting of green vehicles

For the Poste Italiane Group, environmental protection is an essential element in the creation of sustainable value for the community and the territory in which it operates. With this in mind, the Group is committed to using resources responsibly and implementing innovative solutions to minimise negative environmental impacts, in line with the provisions of the Code of Ethics. 
Poste Italiane aims to generate a positive impact for the community in which it operates by adopting a more conscious behaviour regarding energy, water and waste management, aimed at the green transition of its activities

2023 Environmental Data Overview

Green transition


Indicator (KPI)



Implementation status 2023

Reduce the Group's total emissions in line with the Paris Climate Agreement targets and contribute to limiting global warming to 1.5°C

  • tCO2 e
  • -30% by 2025


  • -15%

Achieve Carbon Neutrality

  • Net tCO2e
  • 0% tCO2e by 2030


  • "Green Challenge framework" currently being implemented
Reduce Group Scope 1 and 2 emissions in line with science-based methodology
  • tCO2e
  • -42% by 2030
  • - 19%
Establishment of a long-term rental company within the Group (captive) to support, among other things, the objectives of the green transition
  • Establishment of a Benefit Company
  • By 2024

Reduce the Group’s direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions from physical plant

  • tCO2e
  • -7,000 by 2024


  • -13,00  tCO2e
Use of electricity from renewable sources
  • % of  electricity consumed
  • ≥ 98% by 2024
  • > 98%
Make a large building Carbon Neutral
  • Carbon Neutral Buildings
  • 0 net tCO2e of a CS by 2023
  • PAS 2060 certification obtained for the Padua centre
Selling electricity entirely produced from renewable
sources and offset emissions deriving from
the consumption of natural gas sold by the
Group, through the use of emission offsetting
instruments (e.g. voluntary CO2 offsetting credits)
  • % of energy sold 100% produced from renewable sources
  • Offsetting instruments used
  • 100% by 2023
  • Offsetting instruments used by 2023
  • Total energy sold produced 100% from renewable sources, certified by the purchase of an equivalent volume of GO.
  • Offsetting total CO2 emissions equivalent to gas consumption in 2023 of retail customers supplied

Reduce emissions from the postal delivery fleet

  • % of emissions produced
  • -40% by 2024


  • -26%

Increase the share of environmentally friendly vehicles (electric, hybrid, low emission) of Nexive, SDA, Milkman

  • tCO2e
  • -15% by 2025


  • Identification of activities instrumental to achieving the target 

Increase the share of environmentally friendly vehicles (electric, hybrid, low emission) of sennder

  • tCO2e
  • -8% by 2025


  • Identification of activities instrumental to achieving the target 

Replace the company fleet with vehicles with
reduced environmental impact

  • No. of company vehicles with reduced environmental impact introduced
  • 27,800 by 2024


  • 26,225

Introduce Smart Building solutions on the
Group’s entire physical plant

  • GWh of energy consumed
  • -8GWh by 2024


  • -5.5

Increase the production of GWh of renewable energy that can be used for self-consumption

  • GWh of renewable energy produced
  • +20GWh by 2024
  • +40GWh by 2026


  • +12

Reduce the Group’s direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions from physical plant

  • tCO2e
  • - 13,000 tCO2e  by 2028


Decrease the Group’s indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) from building structures considering the Group’s scope of 2023
  • tCO2e
  • -1,300 by 2025
Expanding the Group Carbon Inventory (Scope 3)
  • tCO2e
  • Calculation of relevant Scope 3 emission categories by 2024
Certify additional medium/large carbon neutral sites (PAS 2060)
  • No. of certified sites
  • 10 by 2028
Selling electricity produced entirely from renewable sources and offsetting CO2 emissions from the consumption of natural gas sold by the Group, through the use of instruments to offset these emissions (e.g. through voluntary CO2 off-setting credits)
  • % of energy sold produced 100% from renewable sources
  • Offsetting instruments used
  • 100% by 2024
  • 100% offsetting of CO2 emissions related to gas sold to retail customers
Green Index
  • Certified measurement of emissions produced per shipment
  • Green index release and certification by 2024
Development of the proximity network alternative to home delivery efficient, extensive and close to the citizen
  • % citizen with a distance of 2,5 km from proximity point
  • > 98% by 2028

Paper reduction in logistics centres

  • No. of sheets
  • -39 million by 2024
  • -40 million by 2025
  • -50 million by 2028


Promoting green behaviour in specific operational realities
  • No. of cross-functional focus groups
  • 3 focus groups by 2024

*The consumption considers categories related to material issues relevant to the Group under the Green Transition Pillar strategy, specifically category 9 “Downstream transportation and distribution” and category 13 “Downstream leased assets.” Category 6 “Business travel,” category 7 “Employee commuting” and category 15 “Investments” are monitored separately.