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Staff training and development In the light of increasing innovation, continuous technological and regulatory developments and business needs, Poste Italiane attributes a key role to the ongoing development of knowledge and skills as part of the process of enhancing and enabling people’s growth.

For Poste Italiane, the role of human capital is particularly important, being a distinctive and essential element for the achievement of the company objectives and the creation of competitive advantage. Precisely for this reason, the Group actively promotes and invests in training courses aimed at preparing staff to effectively meet the challenges and needs of a constantly changing business context. In particular, the role of training within the Company is a fundamental aspect of the process of continuous development of personal and professional skills, targeted at each person in the Group. With this in mind, Poste Italiane, through the adoption of innovative formats and knowledge sharing tools, is constantly striving to improve the learning experience in order to simplify access to training content and ensure continuity of learning.

In line with the Strategic Plan, the training initiatives are part of a much broader project, which, in accordance with company principles and the demands of the market, customers and regulations, provides for the provision of approximately 25 million hours of training in the five-year period 2020-2024. To ensure regular and effective carrying out of training activities, in 2015, the Company established the Corporate University, identified as a Human Resources function which, through the organisation in various Academies, provides training on different business contents, depending skills to develop. The Corporate University aims to define and ensure the carrying out of the training process in its entirety (including operational training). In particular, the "Training and Operational Training" Procedure, aimed at all company functions and all staff, describes the Group's operational training model, explaining the operating mechanisms and organisational responsibilities regarding training and operational training activities. The guidelines of the Procedure aim to ensure the effectiveness, efficiency and conformity of the expected results, through the implementation of relevant organisational and control measures, also in compliance with Legislative Decree no. 231/01.

Training and development in 2023

In 2023, the training plan, in addition to a strong focus on the role skills needed to support new business models and new service models, focused on the development of the transversal skills needed to operate in an ever-changing context and to steer behaviour towards sustainability, innovation and continuous improvement.

In 2023, the learning experience improved through the introduction of new innovative formats, but also through the continuous updating of the e-learning platform, which allows simplified access to all training content, and the adoption of digital learning tools used for specific training objectives.

A total of approximately 6.5 million hours of training were provided during 2023. To respond to the specific training needs of the various businesses of the Group, targeted training courses have been developed, dedicated to specific targets (e.g. tellers, postmen, customer service representatives, salespeople) in order to provide, consolidate and develop technical and specialist skills specific to each role. Transversal training courses were also provided on topics focused on the adoption of cultural tools and models aimed at all Company employees, without distinction of specific role. Finally, through individual training courses, especially dedicated to developing resources, skills useful for more complex roles, such as customer relationship management, were strengthened, promoting the adoption of responsible marketing and sales practices in order to prevent any disrespectful or discriminatory treatment of customers. This also led to the registration of 7,147 promotions in 2023.

In 2023, provision of:

  • 36,750 hours of managerial training
  • 3,391,350 hours of technical-specialist training
  • 3,110,000 hours of training on compliance


People development - Data Download

Average hours of training for employees by category 

Category 2021 2022 2023
Executives 41 44 27
Middle managers 89 77 79
Operational staff 44 44 49
Total workforce 49 48 52