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Survey “Poste Mondo Welfare”: survey aimed at non-executive employees of the Parent Company and the Group Companies participating in the programme to detect the satisfaction of the participants in the plan to convert the result bonus into welfare and to incorporate the needs of the entire company population for the launch of the edition referring to the year 2022. In particular, the activity consists of a series of surveys aimed at programme members to detect their enjoyment of the experience of the various services and their prospective needs, and at the entire corporate population to increase the level of engagement and participation on the value of the programme in relation to the launch of the annual edition as well as the better setting of the offer in relation to the real needs of the corporate population. The rating scale on which the survey was based provided values from 1 to 10.

2022 Home-Work Mobility Survey: annual survey that analyses employees’ home-work travel habits in order to identify, in the medium and long term, sustainable mobility solutions to reduce CO2 emissions in the interests of employees and the community. The survey was conducted using CAWI methodology and featured multiple-choice questions, radio buttons and open fields.

New Intranet Survey: survey aimed at co-designing the content of the new “NoidiPoste” intranet. The survey was conducted using CAWI methodology and featured multiple-choice questions, radio buttons and open fields.

“Call to Action” Survey: fact-finding survey addressed to Internal Workers and Production workers (profiled) to acquire the orientation of the personnel affected by the reorganisation with respect to the various relocation options, as defined by the trade union agreement of 2 August 2022.

Dicci la tua su Poste Energia” Survey: : listening survey on “Energia160”, the PosteEnergia electricity and gas offer reserved to employees.

New Newsletter Survey: questionnaire on the new format of the weekly internal communication newsletter. The survey was carried out with Microsoft Forms and featured multiple-choice questions, radio buttons and open fields.

“PosteIn – Diversity & Inclusion secondo te” Survey: survey of the entire company population with the aim of understanding how Poste Italiane’s commitment to Diversity & Inclusion issues is perceived by employees. The survey was carried out in cooperation with online administration and dissemination through the company intranet, official news, TG and newsletters.

Progetto di ricerca con Polimi” Survey: the survey, launched in June 2022, is part of the research project conducted by the Politecnico di Milano to build an interpretative model on employee engagement/disengagement with respect to set variables. The target group was approximately 11,000 people representatives of the main corporate functions. The project envisaged the administration of the survey at two different times approximately one year apart.

The analysis of the results of the first survey was completed in 2022, and the second one is planned for the first half of 2023. The survey was structured with a set of questions attributable to the following clusters:
  • level of well-being;
  • working in Poste Italiane;
  • leadership in Poste Italiane.

“DDay Poste Plurale, Universale” Survey: feedback questionnaire conducted anonymously among employees who participated in the corporate event Diversity & Inclusion Day with testimonies from employees and external guests on the topics of gender, generations, vulnerability, interculturality to collect satisfaction and programmatic ideas for the next editions of the initiative.

Conducting surveys with respect to employee engagement, satisfaction and well-being is a fundamental tool for Poste Italiane to assess employee expectations and identify further policies and practices to improve working conditions by attracting new talent and significantly decreasing the turnover rate. The survey conducted by the Group is aimed at gathering evidence regarding employee job satisfaction, employee identification in the company purpose, happiness level and work-related stress level.

For this purpose, Poste Italiane administers an annual survey aimed at monitoring the level of satisfaction of its employees. Specifically, the surveys conducted in the four-year period 2019-2022, with 100% coverage of employees who responded to the survey, showed considerable performance with reference to the percentages of employees with the highest level of satisfaction: 76%, in 2019 and 2020; 93% in 2021 and 2022. In addition, the result recorded in 2022 made it possible to achieve the target set for the year, demonstrating the Group's clear commitment to caring for the welfare of its staff.