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Poste Italiane obtains Uni/PdR 125:2022 certification for gender equality 46% of female middle and senior managers in 2023 New LGTBQ+ Inclusion Policy approved 
Poste Italiane was awarded first prize in the "Diversity & Inclusion" category at the fifth edition of the "Premio al Report di Sostenibilità" (Sustainability Report Award)
Poste Italiane recognises the fundamental importance of its contribution in promoting the principles of sustainable development, considering its relevance within the Italian economic and social panorama. Therefore, the Group has adopted a Code of Ethics, supported by corporate policies and guidelines to protect and safeguard Human Rights.
These include the Corporate Policy on the Protection and Safeguarding of Human Rights, the Policy on the Diversity of Management and Control Bodies, the Diversity & Inclusion Policy and the more recent Support for Active Parenting Policy. Moreover, in addition to following the company policies and guidelines mentioned above, Poste Italiane guarantees the well-being of all the people working in the Company or collaborating with it, and is committed to improving the conditions of the communities in which it operates through a proactive approach aimed at disseminating respect for international principles concerning the safeguarding and protection of Human Rights.

The Diversity & Inclusion programmes, in line with the provisions of the Company Policy, are monitored using indicators developed annually in collaboration with the Group's Sustainable Development, Risk and Compliance function in the Corporate Affairs area, in line with the evolutionary guidelines of the corporate sustainability plan.

Poste Italiane maintains, in continuity with the previous year, its Diversity & Inclusion Plan, developed following an active participation process that involved the formation of cross-functional working groups made up of professionals and middle managers who operated according to a bottom-up approach, formulating project proposals evaluated on the basis of two criteria, the qualitative-quantitative impact on the company population and the speed of implementation. The objective of the Plan is to generate significant change processes that bring added value to people, organisational behaviour, leadership styles and relationships within the Group. Through the implementation of targeted projects and initiatives, as well as communication and awareness campaigns, the Group promotes engagement, listening and trust, the creation of inclusive work environments, and the overall improvement of the corporate organisation through the valorisation of diversity.

Bloomberg Gender - Equality Index (GEI)

Diversity and inclusion Data Overview

Objectives Indicator (KPI) Target Baseline Implementation Status
Strengthen the presence of women in management succession plans instrumental to increasing the presence of women in
positions of greater responsibility in the Group
  • % of female succession candidates 
  • 45% by 2024
2021 43%
Invest in the internal development of skills and STEM roles
and in the promotion of cultural models of reference with
a plural and gender equality approach, including through
male and female role models
  • No. of awareness campaigns
  • No. of editions as part of initiatives for young generations
  • % role models
  • 2 by 2023
  • 10 by 2023
  • +50% by 2023
  • 2
  • 28
  • +110%
Promote intergenerational matching between mentor and mentee within the mentoring programme
  • % matching of mixed-generation pairs 
  • 40% by 2024 
2022 67%
Extend caring and listening measures for colleagues with chronic and/or serious illnesses or who are in vulnerable and fragile situations, to accompany their inclusive return and support their mental well-being
  • % of the detected target reached by the caring measures identified
  • 40% by 2024
2022 47%
Implementation of campaigns  and awareness-raising actions on issues of employment inclusion and LGBTQ+
  • No. of awareness campaigns and/or welfare measures in support of social parenting support
  • 2 by 2023
  • 15 news items on the subject (communication campaign)
  • 1 “In altre parole” podcast Training
  • 1 webinar on LGTBQ+
  • 1 LGBTQ+ online course
Take pervasive actions to implement the Diversity
& Inclusion strategy through envisioning workshops,
meetings and thematic events for integrated awareness in
processes and work relationships
  • No. of initiatives (workshops, D&I meetings, thematic events)
  • 28 by 2024
2021 53
Contribute to strengthening measures and processes
intended to promote active parental support, such as actions
to counter the falling birth rate and promoting greater
balance in the distribution of care burdens
  • Active Parenting Policy formalised
  • No. of interventions carried out
  • Active Parenting Policy formalised by 2023
  • 2 by 2023
  • Publication of the Active Parenting Policy 
  • 6
Promote the creation of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) among employees with common interests on diversity and inclusion issues to set up open exchange and discussion groups within the dedicated community
  • No. of Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
  • 2 by 2024
  • No. 3 ERGs initiated (Generations, LGTBQ+ Vulnerability)
Promotion of an intercultural vision in the Company for
the development of inclusive solutions through the implementation of participatory processes characterised by the coexistence of a mix of different cultures among employees
  • No. of regional cases  to which the pilot project has been extended
  • 2 by 2023
  • Implemented participative process through the development of a training plan with intercultural company testimonials hired from all territories
Increase the implementation of initiatives that use inclusive formats to facilitate accessibility for people with disabilities or special educational needs
  • No. of educational formats for Group employees
  • 1 by 2024
  • Delivery of an online course adopting the first format
Strengthen the Employee Corporate Volunteering project through the development of a new engagement platform, and 
the definition of social programmes integrated with the corporate
sustainability strategy
  • No. of engagement and training plans
  • No. of social programmes with social value 
  • 1 by 2024
  • 3 by 2024
2021 Creation of Volunteering Community
Multi-subject communication campaign with omnichannel plan
Openness to community welfare logic in synergy with local
communities, providing corporate welfare services to support
the vulnerabilities of
employees and citizens
  • No. of initiatives/services activated
  • 2 by 2024
  • Release of redeveloped property in Bologna office – Local scouting for design of services to be activated concluded 
Implementation of the framework to foster digital inclusion, promoting equal opportunities and ensuring fair and inclusive access for all
  • Framework for accessibility
  • Implementations of the framework by 2025
2023 New
Promoting the strengthening of accessibility measures and assistive technologies also through the activation of listening and involvement paths for staff with disabilities
  • No. needs Surveys
  • 1 Survey by 2024
2023 New
Sport & Inclusion: valorisation of athletes with disabilities in order to assess possible participation in inclusive external sporting events. The initiative is also potentially aimed at employees who want to support/accompany athletes with disabilities
  • Communications plan to support the initiative
  • Engaging the community to identify opportunities for external participations
  • Plan and community engagement by 2024
2023 New
Increase the implementation of training initiatives that use inclusive formats to facilitate accessibility for people with disabilities or special educational needs
  • No. of training initiative with the application of the “Accessible Training” format starting with transversal courses
  • At least 5 releases by 2024
2023 New
Strengthen nationwide caring and listening measures for colleagues in vulnerable and fragile situations to support their mental and motivational well-being
  • Nationwide activation of caring and listening services
  • Activation of services by 2025
2023 New
Promoting and disseminating corporate procedures and internal document systems geared towards inclusive and gender-neutral written language
  • Awareness Guidelines for Internal Procedures and Documentary Systems
  • Guidelines by 2025
2023 New
Introduction of policies and measures to counter ageism through valorisation and engagement campaigns focusing on the senior population
  • No. of age management programmes
  • 1 age management program by 2025
2023 New
Realisation of training, organizational and inclusive courses and interventions for the valorisation of neurodiversity in a “Dyslexia Friendly” company
  • No. dedicated courses/interventions
  • 3 dedicated courses/interventions by 2025
2023 New
Promotion of Employee Resource Group (ERG) activities also with regard to LGTBQ+ inclusion initiatives
  • No. of measures/interventions carried out
  • 2 measures/interventions carried out by 2025
2023 New
Enhancement of the skills of young talents in PCL and logistics functions through an inclusive onboarding and job rotation programme to enhance employer branding towards genZ
  • No. of onboarding cycles
  • 2 onboarding cycles by 2025
2023 New
Fostering a culture of inclusion at all levels of the corporate structure through specific training courses
  • Initiative release
  • Release of the Diversity&Inclusion “Learning Path” by 2024
2023 New