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The new edition of the Code of Ethics has been approved.

Inaugurated the Fraud Prevention Center that monitors 24 hours a day the security of completed transactions.

Extended certification according to ISO 9001 and 37001 “Quality Management and Corruption Prevention System” standards to the entire perimeter of company processes and sites.

Poste Italiane recognises ethics and transparency as founding values of the corporate identity, as they support the Company in driving a responsible business and managing relations with stakeholders in a direct and transparent way. Compliance with laws, regulations, internal and external policies and codes of conduct, respect for rules and the utmost fairness are elements of strategic importance for the Group and are the basis for preventing any situation of conflict that may arise between corporate and personal interests.

In line with the provisions of the Group's Integrated Policy, in 2023, Poste Italiane made no contributions of any kind, either directly or indirectly, to political parties, movements, committees and political and labour union organisations, or to their representatives or candidates, either in Italy or abroad.
Integrity and Transparency Data Overview

Objectives Indicator (KPI) Target Baseline

Implementation Status 2023

Adaptation of the Internal Control System Framework on Sustainability Reporting in line with regulatory changes (e.g. CSRD) Adaptation of the Internal Control Framework Adaptation of the framework by 2024 2023 New
Increase staff training on ethical principles No. of initiatives undertaken 2 initiatives by 2024 2023 New
Group-wide implementation of the sustainable procurement framework % coverage on Group purchases 100% by 2024 2021 70%
Carrying out sustainability audits (ESG) aimed at defining, establishing, and consolidating a supply relationship compliant with the Minimum Safeguards and capable of supporting the process of alignment to the Taxonomy of economic activities acquired from third parties by the Poste Italiane Group  % of the Group's qualified suppliers subject to sustainability audits 100% by 2026 2022 30%
Implementation of the new Integrated Anti-Fraud Platform (PIAF) that combines fraud prevention objectives with improved customer satisfaction % financial insurance, digital products 100% by 2024 2020 80%
Definition of ESG parameters in the participation requirements and in the evaluation criteria of the technical tender offers % ESG coverage for OEPV tenders 100% by 2024 2022 96%
Maintaining ESG parameters in the participation requirements and in the evaluation criteria of the technical tender offers % ESG coverage for OEPV tenders 100% by 2024 2023 New