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Poste Italiane is Top Employer for the 5th consecutive year +200% of participants to the Poste Mondo Welfare programme compared to 2022 6.5 million hours training provided in 2023 +4% Result bonus 2023 and extraordinary bonus of €1,000 for Group employees

A company like Poste Italiane, which plays a key role in Italy, operates across a value chain that involves a significant number of actors, which includes individuals, organisations, authorities and businesses. Consequently, in addition to complying with the regulations it is subject to, Poste Italiane is committed to taking on ever greater responsibility in safeguarding the wellbeing of the people who work in and for the Company, and those who collaborate with it or merely live in the communities where it operates, in order to foster the development of a “corporate culture” and a response to new challenges and market opportunities.
People development 2023 Data Overview

Objectives Indicator (KPI) Target Baseline Implementation status 2023
Provide continuous training to all Group employees  
  • Hours of training provided
  • 25 million by 2024
  • 25 million by 2028
  • 24.4million hours
Campus Italia: Dedicated training centres for Group employees
  • No. of Training centres
  • 5 Training centres by 2028
  • New
Implementation of a range of initiatives to strengthen  the development, motivation and professional growth of employees by developing Poste Italiane Group's people
  • % of initiatives
  • +5% by 2024
  • +18%
Strenghten communication and
listening with the community of Group employees, which is wide and varies by geographic origin, age, professional role, providing prompt responses in order to improve the continuous dialogue between company and employees
  • No. of thematic communities promoted with engagement strategy, moderation and responding to comments, qualiquantitative reporting
  • 1 by 2024
2021 2 Communities realised:
  • Volunteering Community
  • Diversity & Inclusion Community 
Inform and raise awareness of employee care, wellbeing and prevention activities with dedicated, integrated communications (interviews, TG Poste reports, intranet news, multimedia material)
  • No. of continuous intranet editorial plans on employee health and wellbeing topics on different initiatives (target of 50 news items
  • 1 by 2023
2022 2 editorial plans realised: Poste Centro Medico and Poste Mondo Welfare
Release of new NoidiPoste app and intranet version on Sharepoint platform with the aim of making content and services more accessible to employees of Poste and the Group companies concerned
  • % average daily users compared to average for previous years
  • + 5% by 2023
  • +7% average daily visitors
Implement the upskilling and reskilling process targeting supervisors, consistent with the updates introduced by Law 215/2021, to improve their level of role awareness, performance and positive impact on the overall workplace safety system
  • No. of supervisors to whom informational materials were distributed, in view of more effective exercise of the role and maintaining and developing skills
  • 14,000 by 2023
  • 100% of supervisors involved
Implementation of a new corporate welfare model: development of screening programmes for the prevention of illnesses and corporate welfare programmes to protect the health and safety of Poste Italiane's personnel and aimed at improving their welfare and well-being
  • % employees involved
  • % of progress of instrumental initiatives
  • 100% by 2024
  • 100% by 2024
  • 100%
  • 80%
Environmental monitoring for the determination of the annual average concentration of radon gas in the air, aimed at assessing the risk of exposure to ionised radiation, in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 101/2020
  • % of Poste Italiane buildings monitored
  • 100% by 2024
  • 73%
Reduce the number of Group employees' occupational injuries
  • Number of injuries
  • -190 events in the PCL area by 2028
2023 New
Reduce the occupational injury
frequency rate for Group employees
  • Injury frequency rate 
  • -2% by 2028
2023 New
Increasing the participation of women in coaching and mentoring and in leadership development programmes
  • % participation of women in coaching and mentoring and leadership development programmes
  • + 10% by 2024
2023 New
Ensuring participation in engagement and change management programmes 
  • No. of participants in programmes
  • Approx. 2,000 participations by 2024
2023 New
Devising and defining a parent campaign of value reference and positioning with a focus on the centrality of people, subsequently declined in the various areas of service, business and development (e.g. Digital HR, Change Management, Performance Management, Talent Management) 
  • No. of launch/positioning campaigns with umbrella concept development and multi-subject declination in 5 thematic strands
  • Editorial and multi-channels communication plan to support
  • 5 supporting communication campaigns and channel planning by 2024
  • 1 Editorial plan by 2024
2023 New
Information and awareness of care ad wellness activities. Prevention seminars by PCM specialists
  • No. of seminars (organisation and management with related communication campaigns to inform and raise awareness among employees on the importance of prevention)
  • Dedicated intranet and app publishing plan 
  • 7 seminars by 2024
  • 1 Editorial plan by 2024
2023 New
Improving employees’ digital experience on NoidiPoste app/intranet
  • No. new releases on internal communication digital channels (e.g. app navigation menu, evolution of personal profile, evolution of horizontal navigation tools, evolution of social component)
  • Google Play and App Store ratings
  • 5 new releases by 2024
  • Rating >2 by 2024
2023 New
Strengthen welfare initiatives in favour of company caregivers to support care and work-life balance for the improvement of their personal and family well-being 
  • No. of initiatives to support caregivers 
  • 2 initiatives by 2025
2023 New
Fostering the alliance between the corporate and educational worlds with new orientation opportunities for the younger generations (children of employees and students) also through the active involvement of corporate professionals 
  • No. of editions
  • 40 editions of 2025
2023 New
Implementation of a training campaign on the subject of “health risk prevention” focusing specifically on risks to the musculoskeletal system and with the aim of continually improving safety and efficiency in carrying out activities 
  • No. of editions
  • 150 editions (max. 20 participants/edition) by 2024
2023 New
Encouraging employee listening through continuous surveys 
  • No. of Surveys
  • 10 surveys by 2024
2023 New
Enhancing the contribution of participants in training initiatives through the introduction of digital solutions for feedback collection
  • % redemption of perceived quality questionnaires of classroom training activities 
  • 50% by 2025
2023 New
Empowering people to expand their knowledge and skills to achieve period business objectives related to the market segments covered
  • No. of training initiatives on the evolution of the sales network service model
  • No. of training initiatives on Transformation orientation for logistics personnel
  • No. of training initiatives n the evolution of products and services (at least one initiative per Energy, Telco, Financial/Insurance, Logistics sector)
  • 2 training initiatives by 2024
  • 1 initiative by 2024
  • 4 initiatives by 2024
2023 New