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Foundation The Company's commitment through the Foundation.

Poste Insieme Onlus and its mission

Poste Insieme Onlus was created on 16 April 2015 the intention of Poste Italiane to promote an organic institutional presence supporting policies of social inclusion and solidarity. The choice of building a participation foundation - to which all the subsidiaries of the Parent Company are members - derives from the intent to optimise the use of corporate resources intended for social activities, thus avoiding duplications and fragmented interventions. Poste Insieme Onlus focuses its activity on well structured initiatives and projects, which bring benefits to the community and, in particular, to all those categories of people living in situations of hardship due to their physical, mental conditions and family, ethnical and social situations. Exclusively setting itself purposes of social use and solidarity, the mission of Poste Insieme Onlus is to operate in the sector of social and social-healthcare assistance, charity, education and amateur sports. In particular, the foundation supports projects and initiatives aimed at protecting the civil rights of disadvantages subjects, with particular reference to infants, young people, families, equal opportunities, the disabled and the elderly. This confirms the attention that has always been paid to meeting the most special needs of its clientele, guaranteeing, thanks to its capillary presence in the land, the ability to be present, if necessary, with interventions of a purely social nature.

Activities and initiatives

The operations of Poste Insieme Onlus are extended to the entire national territory and structured into activities and initiatives promoted and realised directly, also in collaboration, association and participation with other institutions or through free issue of cash supporting specific projects of use and social solidarity consistent with its own statutory purposes. The latter are proposed by public and private legal subjects on a no profit basis, operating in the Foundation’s sector of intervention.

Areas of intervention:
  • Social and social-healthcare assistance
  • Education and instruction
  • Amateur sports
  • Protection of civil rights

Subjects who are disadvantaged and under conditions of hardship, with particular reference to infants, young people, families, equal opportunities, the disabled and the elderly. 7.4.3

Funded projects

Since 2015 Poste Insieme Onlus has supported initiatives and projects sustainable and measurable over time, aimed directly at the identified beneficiaries and referring to ascertained and not transitional needs consistent with the territorial planning for the sector.

The Foundation promotes a proactive role in the organisation of the Third Sector, supporting the creation and development of volunteer networks and favouring participation and involvement of the entire community, starting with the employees and customers of Poste Italiane.

Choosing the projects

The Board of Directors of Poste Insieme Onlus, also availing of assistance from the Scientific Committee, identifies, on an annual or multi-year basis, the topical areas and prioritary environments of intervention of the Foundation, in relation to the guidelines for implementing the statutory purposes.

In response to the call for presenting requests for funding, Poste Insieme Onlus received a total of 641 project proposals which underwent thorough formal and merit assessment.

At the end of the investigation, 89 project proposals were thus identified, deemed worthy of receiving support from the Foundation. Of these, 44 project proposals were eligible for funding, of which 16 nationally or supra-regionally, 4 regionally and 24 locally in the two-year period 2016-2017.

The choice of the 44 project proposals within the group of the 89 suitable proposals was made on the basis of another joint examination of the contents of the single projects, their contextualisation in the district of reference, no overlapping and the possibility of putting more projects pertaining to the same topic in the network.

 Topical areas of intervention   
Disability 2 national projects, 1 regional project, 4 local projects
Women 1 national project, 1 regional project, 4 local projects
Poverty 1 national project, 1 regional project, 8 local projects
Families (support services) 6 national projects, 1 regional project, 2 local projects
Young people (entry to work) 2 national projects, 2 local projects
Minors (prevention of underprivileged children,
inclusion of foreign children)
2 national projects, 3 local projects
Elderly 2 national projects, 1 local project