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 Rischi cambiamento climatico The green transition is a process of change in production, consumption and personal habits that the world has now undertaken. The aim of this transformation is to avert the worst effects on climate and the environment of global warming caused by the increase in greenhouse gas emissions dating back to the industrial revolution.
The North Star to getting there is the number 1.5 – which is the limit within which the planet's heating needs to be contained in terms of the average rise in degrees Celsius.
The way to go about our goal is twofold: increasing the energy efficiency of consumption and economic production on the one hand and replacing fossil fuels with renewable alternatives on the other.
The goal is to reduce net CO2 emissions to zero by 2050. As an intermediate step, the European Union aims to cut emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels, according to its Fit for 55 plan.

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Poste Italiane's commitment

The European plan to limit warming to 1.5° C above the pre-industrial era is ambitious, but Poste Italiane's aim goes even further. 
Poste Italiane seeks to reduce its net greenhouse gas emissions to zero by 2030 – 20 years ahead of European and global programmes.
Poste Italiane's intermediate milestone is to reduce its overall emissions by 30% by 2025 from 2020 levels.

La sostenibilità ambientale

Areas of impact


 Poste Italiane's energy efficiency actions focus on mail delivery vehicles and post offices, or as we say "logistics" and "facilities”.


Like in previous years, in 2022 Poste Italiane continued to implement sustainability initiatives, with particular reference to reducing the environmental impact of the corporate fleet. In this regard, 11,409 alternatively fuelled vehicles (electric, natural gas and LPG) are already deployed in the fleet.

Logistica, area di impatto della transizione green

The Company has gone from 11% green vehicles in 2016 to 37% in 2022, more than doubling this percentage by 2021, with the aim of replacing the entire company fleet with low-emission vehicles by 2024, resulting in a CO2 reduction equal to that of around 80,000 trees.

The total number of environmentally- friendly vehicles introduced as of 2019 is 22,610, and by 2023, a further 3,710 environmentally-friendly vehicles are expected to be introduced in the fleet The interventions are in line with the goal of reaching 27,800 vehicles by 2024.


For real estate, the goal is to reduce our total direct and indirect emissions (Scope 1 and 2) by 13,000 tons of CO2 equivalent by 2024 compared to 2020.

Gli immobile, area di impatto della transizione green

Energy sustainability in this area means that by 2024 more than 98% of electricity consumption in our offices will be met by renewable energy, either self-generated on-site or purchased with certificates guaranteeing its green origin. 

Smart building solutions will also contribute to making the activities of our offices increasingly energy efficient, with 90 energy efficiency projects coordinated overall by Poste Italiane, aimed not only at optimizing electricity consumption, but also gas use for heating.

"Full Green" delivery in Viareggio

Viareggio full green
Poste Italiane has decided to implement its green transition from the bottom up. Local communities will be the first fully green building blocks, providing a base, an example and a laboratory to develop what will become our overall green architecture.

We have chosen our Viareggio hub to be one of the first models for the full sustainability of our fleet of mail and parcel delivery vehicles.

In this well-known seaside resort in Tuscany, we have replaced all combustion engine vehicles with the latest generation of electric vehicles. Our Viareggio Delivery Center is equipped with 21 electric tricycles and 7 electric motor vehicles that travel about 660 km in the province of Lucca every day.

The new electric tricycles have a load compartment of about 270 liters and a range of about 60 km, which allows letter carriers to make all their daily deliveries on a single charge.

For each electric vehicle, Poste Italiane has installed a charging station, thus addressing one of the main challenges for the electrification of transport – the need for a widespread deployment of infrastructure for charging electric vehicles.
Vani più ambi per i portalettere
The new electric tricycles have a load compartment of about 270 liters and a range of about 60 km, which allows letter carriers to make all their daily deliveries on a single charge. 

For each electric vehicle, Poste Italiane has installed a charging station, thus addressing one of the main challenges for the electrification of transport – the need for a widespread deployment of infrastructure for charging electric vehicles. 

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